Thursday, December 27, 2007

Review of The Golden Compass

Right, Peachy claims that this movie was great. I'm here to be a pessimist and exclaim that it ISN'T great.
Firstly, the fact that almost EVERY movie that comes out these days are all based on a certain prophecy(according to the book it is taken from). I'm not saying that all movies based on prophecy-fantasy type books are bad. In fact, there are some good ones. Example, the Star Wars trilogy and Narnia.
Secondly, in what way can this movie be rated 'U'(umum)?! Watching two SNOW BEARS(which are actually Polar Bears only given faggot like names) beating the hell out of each other?! Isn't that abit too violent for younger viewers? Even when the outcome was one of the SNOW BEARS got 'his' bottom jaw ripped away from his head? Thats DISGUSTING and MIGHT traumatize young viewers
Thirdly, there was too much TALKING around the whole movie instead of what most people prefer to watch. Maybe I didn't really enjoy this movie because of the sucky seatings at Sunway Pyramid's cinema.

Overall Movie Rating(on a scale of 1 to 5) - 2 stars
Overall Sunway Pyramid's Cinema Rating(on a scale of 1 to 5) -1.1

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