Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ghost Shrimp/Glass Shrimp
( Palaemonetes Kadakensis)

Ghost shrimp are a very suitable name for this species which is totally transparent. They walk on the bottom and plants collecting small food particles which they then eat. You can se the food in their stomach after they have eaten it. Their feeding habit make them great cleaners that can help keep an aquarium clean.

Ghost shrimp are somewhat aggressive towards other Ghost shrimp and the large shrimp can become very aggressive toward small shrimps if too many shrimps are kept together in the same aquarium. So what is to many shrimps?

A suitable amount of shrimp is no more than 1 shrimp per gallon / 4 L of water. It is recommendable to keep them in lower concentration in aquariums smaller than 10 gallon/ 40 L.

They can grow to 1.5 inch / 4 cm (the males seldom reach more than 1 inch / 2.5 cm) and become up to two years old. They moults into new exoskeletons every few months as they grow. They are very vulnerable the first time after moulting before their new exoskeletons harden. It is therefore important to provide your Ghost shrimp numerous hiding places.

Suitable companions for ghost shrimps include small Livebearers, small Tetras, Rasboras, small Danios and other fish that are small enough not to eat the ghost shrimp. Avoid keeping them with very aggressive fish.

Ghost shrimp are best kept in an aquarium with a water temperature of 65-82 F / 18-28 C. Decorate the aquarium with a lot of hiding places that are too small for other fish to get in it. One way to create such hiding places is to put small flower pots upside down on the bottom. You can in most other aspects decorate your aquarium according to your own preferences or according to the demands of the other fish in the aquarium. Plants are not necessary but I personally think it is more beautiful if the Ghost Shrimp have plants to climb on. Make sure that all the decoration is none contaminated.

Ghost Shrimp are scavengers and will accept just about any small food they find while they scan the bottom for food. They sometimes also swim upside down and eat food from the surface. Ghost shrimp are very easy to feed and will do well on a diet of flake food. It is however good to offer them some variation in their diet and for example offer them some frozen food once in a while.

Ghost shrimp are easily bred in aquarium but the fry is very hard to raise. You will se female ghost shrimp with pink eggs or baby shrimp under their bellies. The fry is however hard to feed since it is very hard to offer them food that are small enough. Feeding them infusoria can sometimes be successful. Ghost shrimp are better and more easily breed and raised in ponds where there exist a lot of food for the young shrimp. Adding a few females and one or two males in a pond usually results in a lot of shrimps in a couple of moths.

Ghost shrimp are a great addition to any aquarium with small enough fish for the shrimp to be safe from being eaten and are great little helpers in keeping your aquarium clean and your water quality high.

Banana Shrimp, Bamboo Shrimp, Singapore Flower Shrimp
(Atyopsis Moluccensis)

Family: Atyidae

Origin: Asia

Maximum Size: Up to 3 1/2 inches

Minimum Aquarium Size: 20 gallons

Care: The Singapore Flower Shrimp should only be added to your tank after it is well established. They prefer a planted tank and hiding places. They can be shy and usually are found hanging out near the intake grate of your filter. The two I have stay there almost continually. They range in color from red to brown and are very peaceful. They have a light stripe down their back and can quickly change color. Be careful to not add them to your tank if you have aggressive fish or fish that will eat invertebrates.

Feeding: The Singapore Flower Shrimp has specialized legs that beat the water and collect food in the water column, hence, they are filter feeders. I crush up some flake into fine particles when feeding the other fish and I don't drain off any liquid from frozen food. You should drop pellets if your water tends to be extremely clean. They will eat infusoria, bacteria in the water column and floating algae but not algae that clings to tank surfaces. As mentioned above, they tend to hang out near the intake grate of your filter as this is where all the food gets siphoned. Be careful when you do your monthly maintenanced on your filter that you don't injure your shrimp when you pull out the intake.

Breeding: This shrimp can be sexed by looking at size. The male is larger than the female. A tank without fish reportedly will induce breeding more than a fully stocked tank. Offspring are born live and do not last long in the tank if not removed.

The pictures above also came from my tank.

Idiom of the Day: Crackerjack
Currently Listening to: White Houses - Vanessa Carlton

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